As we prepare to start the 2021-2022 school year, UBCA is committed to providing students and staff with a safe, effective learning environment while honoring personal freedoms and individual choices.
key points:
1.UBCA will NOT mandate or require masks. The decision to wear a mask during the upcoming school year will be an individual choice. This could change, based on regulations, mandates, executive orders, laws, or court rulings.
2.The vaccine for COVID-19 is NOT required by the state of Utah for student enrollment; therefore, UBCA does NOT require a COVID-19 vaccination for enrollment in its schools. Teachers and staff are NOT required to be vaccinated for COVID-19.
3.UBCA will continue to use the district’s Risk Mitigation Protocol. Extensive sanitation and cleaning of high-touch surfaces will take place this year. Proper handwashing will also be taught and encouraged. Whenever feasible, physical distancing and cohorting of students will be facilitated.
4.Students, with help from parents/guardians, are expected to symptom monitor and stay home when sick or symptomatic. School staff is also expected to stay home when sick or symptomatic. Anyone with obvious symptoms of a communicable disease, including a fever, will be sent home.
5.When a COVID-19 exposure or outbreak occurs, students will be given the option to either produce a record of a completed COVID-19 vaccination or “test to stay” in school. Students who are quarantined can participate in their coursework virtually.
6.UBCA will do its best to normalize the upcoming school year for our students and staff. We also recognize that the scientific understanding of COVID-19 and its variants continues to advance. There is no way to predict exactly what the coming year will bring. UBCA understands that uncertainty and change are stressful. We ask for your patience as we navigate any new regulations, mandates, executive orders, laws, or court rulings because we truly want what is best for our kids, our employees, and our community.