Consider Giving to UBCA
Please take a moment to read our donation letter and consider making an end-of-year gift to further our mission of Glorifying God by assisting parents in their God-given responsibility to train up their children to be followers of Christ. Your support helps UBCA provide students with strong intellects, spirits, bodies, and characters through Christian values, biblical principles, and excellent academic education. Thank you for partnering with us!
What do the numbers 25 and 50,000 have to do with Uintah Basin Christian Academy?
Read on!
Twenty-five (25) years ago, Uintah Basin Christian Academy (UBCA) opened its doors to children and families in the Uintah Basin. To mark this milestone, we would like to share a heartfelt story from the parents of one of our very first UBCA students:
We enrolled our child in UBCA with the hope that a different sort of school would better meet the needs of our child. Public school officials had told us to lower our expectations, personal standards, and academic aspirations because our child did not have what it takes for college or career choice.
The teachers and philosophy at UBCA lovingly challenged our child academically while nurturing and encouraging our child’s spirit. At UBCA, our child’s self-worth was based on God’s infinite, unconditional love. Our child learned the genuine characteristics of hard work, integrity, perseverance, personal responsibility, empathy, kindness, and a heart for service. Most importantly our child’s belief in, and personal acceptance of the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ was affirmed.
Twenty-five years later, our child has graduated from college, continues to be a highly valued employee in a chosen career, is a spouse and parent, and is investing in the ministry of a local mission-minded church.
Thank you, UBCA for your part in helping us guide the trajectory of our child’s life. We can only ask, “What parent would NOT want these things for their child?
This story reflects the heart of UBCA over the past 25 years—an unwavering commitment to nurturing the minds, hearts, and spirits of our students. As UBCA continues its mission to serve children and families of the Uintah Basin, we pray that many more stories like this will unfold in the years ahead.
Fifty thousand (50,000) is the amount of matching funds generously offered by a UBCA supporter who shares our enthusiasm for the school’s mission. Will you help us reach this goal by the end of February? Every dollar you contribute will be matched, effectively doubling your impact.
We deeply appreciate your consideration of a donation to help UBCA continue its ministry to children and families. As always, we request your prayers as we strive to pursue excellence and operate in accordance with God’s will.
You can give by mail a check made payable to 'Uintah Basin Christian Academy,' to
1921 W 750 S, Vernal, UT 84078. Alternatively, please drop it off at the school office during our hours, Monday–Friday, 8 AM – 4 PM, or click below to give online.
We would love to thank you in person for your support!
Thank you for your continued support and partnership,
UBCA School Board